Thursday, September 11, 2014


Completing the summer months of June - August, I began to feel inclined toward more internal activity. The Pink n White room called out for attention - my only reason for not donating such was laziness PLUS the fact that I could not go much further until selling both the recliner chair and boxes of books anyway...

I did reorder the geraniums in my bedroom, however. In the 'spare room' a little progress was obtained, by my sorting out several boxes/drawers of 'stuff' that I had inherited from my junk-hoarding parents. I had finally cleared ONE corner of the room, where I stashed the two tubs of unwanted paint I had been given by my friend Liz, which would be ideal for this room due to being of suitable match to the curtains which I planned to retain. I also still have Liz's wallpaper-stripping-machine - and saw/scraper!

However this is about as far as I got. I was informed by 2-3 sources, that sales at Ebay/Gumtree/Craigslist/etc would be slow or non-existent until school resumed in September. I have cancelled my Ebay account - due to their having rather high fees and somewhat troublesome customers. The loss of gain and the difficulty with selling coupled to make it unworthwhile. I am pursuing Gumtree and Facebook as hopeful sales points, with Craigslist an outsider option. 

As soon as I can shift both the recliner chair and boxes of books, I will have sufficient space to clean/tidy the Pink n White room, therefore removing the lino and TV table from the spare room. This will mean that both rooms will be able to progress to their next stage. I will be able to clean/tidy/rearrange the P'N'W room, and shove the remainder of the spare room int the center, so as to paper-strip, paint this room. Until such time as i can shift the chair/books, I am stuck...

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