Saturday, August 2, 2014


It is summer... That is my main excuse for not doing very much around the house and yard recently. I have tinkered with this and that, but not really made any major advancement. The freezer is well-stocked, as are the pantry and wine closet, but...very little has actually been 'done' in the way of gardening, painting, redecorating, or even turning out/selling. 


The latter not being my fault, I may add - I do have an online garage sale and am TRYING to dispose of unwanted items, but as yet have only had 2 people interested in actual purchases. Maybe YOU would like to buy something? Take a look and see...

One of the few projects I have begun over the warm sunny months (ok, this IS England, warm sunny WEEKS might be a better sentence) is wine making. I originally intended to use excess apples and attempt to make 2 wine-making jars worth of cider. The thought of having gooseberry crumble twice+ in one week and how nice gooseberry wine might be led me to use one of the two glass wine making jars I kept from my father's stock in an attempt to create a batch of 'Sande's 2014 gooseberry & ginger wine' though.

I originally had to suffice with a funnel and cotton wool stopper - as I could NOT locate any wine-making suppliers to buy what I called a 'air-stopper thingy you put vodka in' but which I have since learned is supposed to be called 'bung with bubbler airlock'. I am hoping to locate and purchase a pair of such items in 2 days time from writing. For now....

I have since succeeded in purchasing the appropriate equipment and replaced the makeshift funnel... photos in an upcoming post.

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