takes us up to summer 2014 - June. Before tackling the read n relax
room that I intended to fix up, I did a few other chores - pond
maintenance, my favorite chore of reordering the pantry, and sorting
through another two bags of junk in what will become the spare room.
I also turned out the wine closet...
began to use the garden in my salads again, as you can see from the
above shot of what became of half of a pink rose. The front yard
gets more bees and butterflies visiting than royalty or pompous
garden snobs, so I have let it go wild. I trim the brambles and ivy
and some of the holly, but let everything else grow - weeds and all. I
may not be popular with some of the 'fancy garden' neighbors or the
council, but the creatures love the sancturay. Here are some photos
of the beautiful flowers - weeds and 'real' ones...
the garden path....
a view of the entire front yard...
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