the meantime, while waiting on the purchase of the tub of mortar, I
used polyfilla. I did not want any more rain getting into the wall
cavity. There is not supposed to be any cavity, as it is supposedly
filled with insulation that I do not want, but... No, it does not
'look' good to have huge white splodges on the wall, but...
have also spent some time sorting out more stuff in the spare room ~
and cleared another pathway towards the recliner/powerpoint. During
the first and second weeks of April, I also cut brambles in the front
yard, planned in my head what to do with the front and back yards and
patio, and awaited a tip~trip.
April progressed, I managed to slip in my favorite chore yet again,
by persuading myself I needed to clear and clean the floor space. The
pantry is now, once again, very organized and also easy to operate. I
can find things that I need to eat by a certain date laying in order.
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