Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today - as in when I wrote this - I sorted out another 3-4 bags full of junk from what once was a lounge, then dad's bedsit, and will become my spare room. Most of it was scraps of material, broken and chewed up christmas decor, and used christmas, wedding anniversary, etc cards. Quite frankly, someone else's wedding anniversary cards mean absolutely nothing to me - not even if I know the people involved. The memories associated with the cards belong to other people, not myself...

Recently, I finished cleaning out the former cleaning closet - the recent wine closet, which is going to stay a drinks closet! As you can see from the first photo, there was a lot of junk to remove first. For a day or so, I simply took out the first lot of trash, cleaned half the floor, and put in MY drinkies stash and spring waters. Later, I began to go a bit further.

Above you can see a corner of my bedroom - which is finally clear and big enough for my Yoga practice! Below is the filthy sink after I cleaned some of the gunk out from inside the stove - along with my new-look kitchen windowsill, which I am finally satisfied with. This meant I actually cleaned the inside of the windows this week!

As you can see, the stove now looks almost new - or did til I spilt curry on the top! The three corner stand on the left and flatley on the right might be the next things to tackle....

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