Monday, October 17, 2011

THE BATHROOM SAGA – new flooring 4

The lino arrived at 2-30pm on the day it should, and despite being told it would need to be carried in from the kerbside, it was delivered to the door. It was fairly heavy but more bulky than weighty.

I managed to drag it into the hallway while I finished doing whatever I was doing – and then proceeded to lever it upstairs. This was a case of balancing the roll upwards on one foot to swing it from floor to stairs, and then 'kicking' it up one stair at a time whilst heave-ho-ing it with my arms. At the top, I twisted it onto the upper hallway and slid it against the wall – to be ignored until needed. I had to do a few more jobs first...


  1. Now you have me worried. :D You should have waited for help with that. What if you hurt your back or fell down the stairs? Be careful, please.

  2. Luckily lino and moi both arrived safely in the upper hall! (My son was out on one of his multi-hour bike rides.....)
