Sunday, September 19, 2021



July is that time of year where crops from the allotment plot litter every surface in the kitchen as they dry out ready for storage.

Garlic, shallots, onions, spuds, fruits and other crops arrive home with me on nearly every visit from May thru September.

Multiple meals and bags of fruit in the freezer arrive, reminding me of summer harvests that outfill the autumnal ones.

The kitchen is not alone - onions dry on the unused heater in the coffee lounge, too. This year has been a good year for shallots and onions - but not so for peas, beans, garlic, chilies, cauli...

Broad beans did ok this year....but not many other veg from the plot. Thankfully, I have tons of lettuce, herbs, and spuds from the poly tunnel!

August arrived and...bad news with it! Every single tomato plant I had at the plot caught blight and spoiled. I came home the first Monday of the month with a dozen green salvaged tomatoes...and no hope of a big enough crop to freeze this year. I do have two plants in the poly tunnel though, so fingers crossed I will get a dozen or so fruits from 21. Also from the poly tunnel I cropped the following in the first week of the month. (UPDATE: this years edible harvest of tomatoes equals 2)

The plot produced some goodies, if not the ones I had hoped for. 2 strawberries a handful of blueberries a large ammount of blackcurrants, a half dozen raspberries, 3 munchkins and the green toms...

Well, my poly tunnel spuds are ready to harvest next week and the corn won't be too long...and I picked the first pea pod....

The crops kept rolling in during the month...peas, raspberries, munchkins, potatoes, blueberries and the garden's Bramley apples...