Saturday, June 29, 2019


Here is the latest washing up lava lamp creation, along with 4 of my half dozen spuds chitting pre plot burial. Next up, the latest assemblage in the pantry.

Here are the latest crops from the allotment plot - rhubarb and roasting garlic. At home, the poly tunnel is producing lettuce, herb, salad leaves and spinach for my consumption.

That brings us to JUNE 2019...

The crops begun their late spring/early summer burst of over production, and I was harvesting something everytime I went down the allotment - which was several times a week, despite no longer needing to water almost every day after a week or two with some rain.

By late June, I had harvested all the shallots, half the garlic and red onions, and was well into making an every-few-day haul on strawberries and raspberries. I also had lettuce and salad leaves, nasturtium, cooking gooseberries, and baby carrots on the go.

In the polytunnel, you can see my former mop bucket being used as a carrot grower along with several large pots of tomato. Tomatoes are flowering well - and after a feed and bit more time hopefully will crop well - as I am down to my last half bag of frozen ones from last year.

You can see I have several tubs of potato on the go - I have harvested 2-3 so far, and have another couple almost ready to unearth. I do leave the bindweed and bluebells to flower in the poly tunnel as it attracts the bees inside - which are needed to pollinate some plants, although most are planted out down the allotment plot.