Monday, July 13, 2015


We start from the middle of June with a shot of a lemon balm plant that a friend of mine gave to me the previous year. I split her offering into two pieces and this half is doing well. I am uncertain where the other half is - it may have died, or be covered by something else.... only winter will tell!

In the front yard, much blooming is occuring - the azalea, fuchsia, valerian, rose, and sea bells are all going well. Friends who took me out noted on dropping me off that I had 2 different colors of one plant - which can be seen in the second of the following pictures. The clematis is JUST flowering - as the third week of June begins to expire.

July began and much blossoming is occuring. I took a few shots in the front yard once more. This first shot shows the 2 colors of valerian and the azalea, which has just finished blooming and is begining to lose its flowers.

The second shot portrays the mixture of proper plant and weed. The fuchsia and pieris on the one hand with the blue weed and columbine/bindweed on the other.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


I then began to paint the trim, with the last of the second pot of Tibetan Gold gloss. After the initial trim and window frame, I began on the windowsill and blanket box.

A brief detour from paint to dust brings us to the arrival of a new vacuum cleaner into the household. Flashing back, I had a Vacstream in Aussie with which I was more than happy. HERE is a picture of the model I had. It lasted five years, and was still going when I left the country to come to England to take care of my late father. My father had an upright vacuum, and as I do not like those very much, as soon as it failed a little I got rid of the thing and purchased a small floor-runner, or 'cylinder' as they are called here.

That model lasted a little over 1.5 years, before the filter was not replaceable and the head wore out. I invested in a Hoover shortly after my father passed away, due to my mother having had one that lasted many years in my childhood and my assumption that this model might also last a long time. Alas, within 2-3 months of the 1-year guarantee expiry, it began to have its faults - I could not really expect better - it was only 'made in China' after all, and such models don't last long or work well.

It was time to buy a new vac. Payday arrived in June, and within minutes of checking my pay had arrived safely into my bank account, I ordered a Henry. Henry is the name of a red/black vacuum that is made in England, works properly, and has a 2-YEAR guarantee so if this one carcs it as have the last two, I won't need to fork out another £50-£100.

Although the face is somewhat 'childish' in my view, I might keep it on rather than remove it - as it smiles. I also wear a smile, knowing it is likely to last me the 5-10 years I 'expect' a vacuum to last.