Saturday, July 13, 2013


The windowsill. Looking at this every morning when I went to make my coffee was not pleasant. Looking at this while making dad's soup, cooking, feeding Mr Monk through the window - was not pleasant. I might have replaced the grotty soap dish with a nice new white one - and the filthy scrub brush too - but.... it was not a pleasant, neat, clean site to greet me.

Although I had tidied up this end of the sill somewhat, it still was not quite right. Fruit in a pitcher, for example...

So, I got to work - removing most items, wiping the sill itself down, then replacing most things while exchanging others. I think you will agree that the new look right and left views are a little improved - which is the best I can do with what I already own. It really needs to have the blender near the kettle up one end and the rest of the stuff down the other - so I need to be less lazy and lock the openable window and unlock the other then rearrange again - some day. But hey, it is summer - I get lazy!